Saturday, April 25, 2009

Blood Clot Goens....

Well, it has finally happened. After 59 years on this earth I am now spending the longest stay of my life . . . in the hospital. I have, of course, been to the Drs. office. But never have I been overnight in the hospital except with the church members and friends that have been far less fortunate than my self. I developed a blood clot in my leg and now have been hospitalized since Thursday morning.
Never having been hospitalized and never having developed a blood clot I am rather naive with the whole treatment thing. So when the Dr. told me what was going to be done, I agreed with it and was set for the treatment, or so I thought.
Now for those that do not know I have a daughter that is nurse at Duke University, (I only mention the name of the Hospital to irate my Kentucky friends), but she thinks that she is a Doctor, and that the Duke way is the only way. When told of the treatment that I was to receive she began with her dogged determination to make sure that the treatment went beyond what was prescribed and that it would include more. Now I would like to explain all of the procedure to you, but I don't understand it my self, but let us just say that my Doctor had a difficult time to find someone that could do it the "Duke Way"
The surgery, that sounds more important than procedure, will take place on Tuesday in an Indianapolis area hospital. I do not mention the hospital because I do not wish all of my fans to show up and cause a big scene. I feel confident that the surgery will go well and in no time I will be back on schedule. As I was laying in bed thinking of the love that my daughter has for her daddy and how insistent she was that things were to be done the "right way" to lessen any further complications I began to think of the preaching of the Gospel of Christ.
There is a standard procedure, one that everyone is satisfied with " It doesn't matter where you go to church, as long as you go." That is standard procedure. It will make you feel good and you may even live a better life. But there is a better way. The blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanses us from all sin. It does make a difference what you believe and where you go to church! Many roads may lead to Rome, but not every road leads to the Heavenly City.
When it seemed doubtful that we would find a surgeon to do the surgery, a Doctor at Duke told Julie, "Tell your dad that we will send the helicopter after him and I will do the surgery." Julie said "That would be very costly", to which the Doctor replied, "Don't worry about it."
Would it not be great if we were as concerned about the lost that we would not count the cost, but just get the job done? Judgmental? I don't think so, I think it is love! There is a way that seems right unto a man, but God's way is the only way.
Because He Lives

Monday, April 6, 2009

4-06 Update from the Philipenes

Due to computer problems and travel I have not been able to send out Goensmyway as often as I had hoped. I am in Tar lac, Philippines and God is blessing. I have many adventures from Davao to tell you but I will catch you up on the last few days first.
I am here with Brother Joey Cosme, a young missionary we were able to help in the states. Brother Joey has a beautiful wife, one with a great sense of humor and an apparent love for her husband, a couple of very cute little girls as well as the the Lord. I have put the Goens charm on one of the little girls and won her over very easily, however, the youngest one will not even eat at the same table with me. Well, I guess that just proves that you can't win every time!
Brother Joey started a church about four years ago and turned the work over to another pastor when he came to America for his education. I had the privilege of holding the first revival meeting this church has ever had. We made a great connection with the people and their pastor and the revival was very successful with good crowds, great altar results a couple of young people called to preach and 4 saved.
We have preached at three other churches here since April 1, when we arrived, and God blessed at each place. Sunday we preached at two churches and all totaled I believe that God blessed with thirty two souls saved. One church, one of Tar lac's largest, the altar was full and the people, once again very receptive.
I am not sure why, but the Filipino pastors are extremely receptive to our ministry and friendships are formed very quickly. The Filipino congregations also are very gracious and even seem to enjoy my rather off beat sense of humor. A bond is formed quickly and my comfort with the pastors and people amaze me.
At one church that we were at the church has a wall around the building, as do all the churches, with barb wire and broken glass embedded in the concrete blocks around the top. Just a couple of months ago, at 2 AM, his home was broken into, all in the house held at gun point, tied up and all of the worldly goods stolen. A frightening experience for his wife, and daughters and of course for the pastor himself. The robbers were caught a few days later, but the area is full of their "friends." I am here but a day, the pastors live here every day and face great difficulties, but their thirst for God is not quenched nor their fire for souls put out. I thank God I can come here to encourage them to continue on and fight one more round.
We are leaving today to go to yet another part of the Island, to a place where Bro. Joey is going to be starting a new church in about a month. We will be "door" knocking and saturating the area with literature. Door knocking is not really the case, everyone in the Philippines are on the streets it seems, 24 hours every day. Stand in one place and hundreds will just pass your way. We will be preaching in several other churches before we come back home. Please pray that many more souls will be saved and lives changed.
I miss my family, my church and my schedule back in America, but God seems to be using our ministry to encourage the people here. Thank you for helping make this trip be successful, with your money, your prayers and your love.
Because He Lives,
Bro. Steve