Thursday, May 8, 2008

5-08-08 Update

Last night we finished the Family camp. After the last two weeks and the next two days, I will have spoken about 40 times. We had a great time and it was sad to leave some very dear friends. We trained 95 in the 1st Bible institute and had about 70 people saved. As I write this I am waiting to speak to the city leaders of Davao. Hopefully many of them will be saved and the total salvation decisions will increase. I am speaking on the Responsibility of Leadership. The government here is very corrupt so pray that I am able to help them.

There have many that I have counseled with while I have been here and although I have a great connection with the Filipino people many of them are afraid to approach me. When I was here last year I received a letter from a lady telling me that she had been praying for me for many years and was so disappointed that she was not able to come to the meeting. Last night a lady approached me after the service and introduced herself as Yvonne Placios, the lady that had been praying for me everyday since 2000. It seems that Bro Claro had told her about me and she took me on as a special prayer partner for these many years. This lady is as beautiful inside as she is on the outside and it was such a joy to have met her and her husband and gotten to know them.

There are many stories that I wish to relate to you, but one is a prayer request. Next year when I return there is a possibility that I will get to go and be with the Labonsa to their church. They are in the Muslim area and it is very dangerous. So, I told them that I would lose weight, blacken my hair, darken my skin, and learn the language so I will be able to go with them without losing my head. That would be one way to lose 30 pounds of ugly fat.

Goens My Way - Philippines 2008