Sunday, January 4, 2009

Devotional 1/7/09

Wednesday, January 7, 2009 -
Ps 25:12-21
Have you ever seen an animal in a trap or a fly in the spider’s web? The entrapped begin to struggle and the more they struggle the more bound they become. Before long the prey is exhausted, all energy is spent, and still they are the prisoner. The prey have not a prayer, death comes and the to the victor go the spoils. Have you ever felt like that? I know that I have.
So many fight and struggle until exhaustion and defeat come and our lives loose the joy and satisfaction that we once had. How do we stay out of the snare of the devil? It really is not as difficult as it seems.
Look at verse 15. “Mine eyes are ever toward the Lord.” When my children were learning how to drive I had to keep telling them, keep your eyes on the road. When you don’t you have a tendency to run off the road or run over something in the middle of the road.
When you take your eyes off of the Lord the same things can happen. Keep your eyes on the Lord and He will pluck your feet out of the net.