Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Devotionals Week of 26th thru 31st

Monday, January 26, 2009 -
Numbers 6:1-8
Nazarite means "to be set apart" and is explained as a separation unto the Lord. The vow was taken by men or women who desired to consecrate themselves in an outstanding or unusual manner. It was a total consecration to the service of the Lord, usually for a specific period of time. Samson, Samuel and John the Baptist was set apart for life. This setting aside had some very specific and strict rules that were very similar to the vows of the priest and even the high priest. A special walk with God requires a special lifestyle, that is designed to bring unusual blessings.
The Nazarite vow is not for us today. It was for the Jews and that particular nation. However the principle is sound and remains. If we are going to be used of God, our walk with him must be close and personal as we walk in His will, do His will and live for His honor and glory. A special walk with God is not a burden but a privilege and well worth the price. They removed themselves as far away from the attitudes of the world and moved closer to God, and the benefits and blessing were enormous.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009 -
Judges 2:1-5
The nation of Israel had enjoyed many victories and been blessed of God over and over again. Yet they continued to make league with the world. Look at verse 2. "And ye shall make no league with the inhabitants of this land; ye shall throw down their altars: but ye have not obeyed my voice: why have ye done this?
Boy, does that ever take me back to my teen age years. My Mother and Father always said to me, "You always have to learn the hard way, don't you? I did then and somehow I still do today. But learning the hard way always comes with a great price. It was true then and it is true today.
God broke the hearts of His people here in Judges chapter 2, and the brokenness brought tears. They named the place Bochim, meaning weeping, and sacrificed to the Lord. Do you remember the last time that you were broken of God.
Mark that spot. Name it. And look at it not only as a place of an ending, but a place of a new beginning to a greater life.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009 -
Judges 2:6-10
The work that I do as a pastor is not hard work. It is difficult. It is frustrating. It is heart breaking! Sometimes rewarding, but mostly it is tedious and unrewarding. But it is not hard work.
The Bible states that one generation serves God. They know Him, they have seen Him work, they had witnessed miracles but the next generation falls away. They get away from all that God is about, forgets his grace and mercy, and they have never observed His wonders. Whose fault is it. Is the parents? Did they fail to teach and train their young people. Was it the fault of the priest, the synagogue's failure to have a good youth program? Or, was it the fault of the next generation, who did not pay attention, who did not desire to walk with Him?
I guess we could argue each point of view, but I think the answer is that all have some responsibility. The question I think is why is there a falling away. How can some one be going great guns for God and then all of a sudden be as cold as ice?
I think it is because we forget. We forget where we were when we found Him. I think we forget what He has done for us. I think we forget that there is a future that we will need His help. Let us not forget.

Thursday, January 29, 2009-
Judges 2:11-17
"And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord, and served Baalim." As I look at Scripture I always try to put myself in the time that I am studying. I have looked at this passage and to honest with you I am stuck. Why did Israel do evil in the sight of the Lord? Why did they take on the attitude and god's of those nations less fortunate than they? I must then also ask, why do we do the same thing? Why did Lucifer rise up against God? Why?
Yesterday we were admonished not to forget. Today, I think, we must never take the things of God for granted. Some how when we become prosperous we think that it is always going to be that way. That what was once a privilege becomes a right. And once we think that it is a right, we take it for granted.
A lady that I have known from years gone by is fighting a great battle against cancer. When we were young, health was something that we took for granted. It was our right. We are suppose to be healthy. But when we begin to lose that health little things begin to become precious again. One man that I knew who was battling cancer was excited when I visited because he was able to make it less than ten feet to the bathroom, with no help!
Let us not take things for granted. Let us thank God for all we have and never get to the place that God is taken for granted as we search for strange god's.

Friday, January 30, 2009-
Judges 2:18-23
How important is true Biblical leadership? How important is the man that God has chosen to lead. Or the woman? Leaders come in all sorts of genders, colors, sizes, but all need to be Biblical leaders. Look at the first few chapters of the book of Judges. The nation was good and followed God under the leadership of Joshua. The nation fell, visited strange gods and God raised up Judges and delivered the nation. The Judges died and the nation went back to their old ways.
Has God put you in a position of leadership. Before you answer I want to ask you some questions. Are you employed and do the other workers know that you are a Christian? You are a leader! Are you a man that is married? Have children? You are a leader! Are you a mother? You are a leader. Anyone that can influence the life of another is a leader.
Never forget who you are and the position that God has put you in. Always remember that someone is looking at you for leadership and guidance and God expects you to be the leader He would have you to be.

Saturday, January 31, 2009-
Judges 13:1-13, 24
"And the children of Israel did evil again in the sight of the Lord . . ."One day I am going to count how many times this phrase is repeated in the Word of God. In this area of the Bible that we have been in all week this phrase seems to headline every chapter. However, I wish to point out a couple of things that I hope will help you. '
Even though the rest of the nation went astray there were always those who stood for God and did not forsake Him and His principles. In the midst of all of the trouble there were those that proved to be real champions.
Secondly, somehow when others were being cursed there was those in the midst of the collapse of the nation that were blessed of God. When the rains fall, we, those who stay true to God, will get wet, but God will give us an umbrella.
In today's text, we begin with "The children of Israel did evil again, . . ." but look at verse 24 "And the woman bare a son, and called his name Samson, and the child grew, and the Lord blessed him."
Do you see that. Blessing in the midst of trouble.
Isn't God good?