Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A request for prayer

Dear Readers,

Please lift this lady up in your prayers. She has been fighting this battle for many years.

Your letter of Devotionals was a great inspiration for me. As you know this fight with cancer has gotten the better of me. I am unable to do things that I once was able to accomplish. Lately, I too, had given into my demon. My demon, is cancer. But reading this has given me more inspiration to continue to fight. I was ready and had told my family I was no longer able to fight. You must have know deep down that I needed to go into the right direction, and not give into this demon. Next Monday I go back into surgery, I was ready to tell them no more, and let it run it's course and succumb to it. But upon reading this, now I know I will continue to fight. For the Lord did not put me here not to fight demons, but to win over them. My faith has never falter, but my body had. But now, I will give it all I have to fight off this large demon. Thank you for the wonderful inspiration that I needed at this time. I will continue with the surgery, treatment and medications to fight. Power of prayers have gotten me this far, and the power of the Lord and prayers will get me through this one also. Joy