Monday, December 22, 2008

Sat. Dec. 27th, 2008

Romans 16:25-27
“. . .which was kept secret since the world began.” A verse like this one truly stimulates my mind. A secret? Something that God kept from us until he was ready to reveal it. Here of course He is speaking of the ministry of Jesus Christ and the great salvation that was bought by His precious blood. We read about the pre-incarnate Christ. We read about Christ’s suffering and His crucifixion. Now, we see the reality of those things. We read about heaven, and the end of our salvation, the beauty and the glory that awaits us. But one day, we shall see the reality of it.

Friday Dec. 26th, 2008

Psalm 148:1-14
God is so very good to us and we have so many things to be thankful. This day, let us take a few moments, with a pen and a piece of paper, and begin to list all the things that we can praise God. Good things that blesses us. Tough things that make us strong. Hard times that produces endurance in us. Tribulations that produce patience. Mistakes that teach us wisdom. Friends that comfort us. Enemies that help us perfect our forgiveness. Memories that helps the beautiful past live on. Memories of wrongs done that we can lay at the cross. In all things give thanks, and Praise ye the Lord.

Thurs. Dec. 25, 2008

Luke 2:1-7
Merry Christmas, may God richly bless you this day. Some things are certainly worth waiting for. From eternity past until the day of the earthly birth of the Lord Jesus was certainly a long period of time. But I am sure that you will agree that the wait was worth it. There are many times that I wait a very long time for God to do something in my life or in the life of someone else. Many times I feel as thought God has forgotten or that he simply doesn’t care. Maybe He is to busy, maybe He has changed His mind. And then one day I awake to find that God has accomplished exactly what He has promised he would. God certainly is not slack concerning His promise, as some men would count slackness, but He will do that which He said He will do. Just ask Mary and Joseph, and Elisabeth and Zechariah, and the host of angels and the wise men and . . . well, you get the picture. God never forgets, forsakes or folds. He was there on the first Christmas, and He will be there on the last Christmas and He will be there for all eternity, for you and for me!

Wed. Dec. 24, 2009

Psalm 113:1-9
Who is like unto the Lord? I have spent since 1972 making the study of the Word of God an important matter in my life.
Read verse 5.
Now, read very slowly, one thought at a time verses 6 thru 9. Each thought is a precious thought. Each action is a remarkable action. And as you read this passage you are only looking at a small portion of who He really is. There truly are no others like our Lord.
Take one aspect, any aspect and see if you can find one like unto Him. His Love, there is no greater love. His sacrifice, the sacrifice can never be matched. His wisdom, is greater than any wisdom. There is no other like Him, that is why we love him with all our heart, and live for Him every day.

Tuesday Dec. 23, 2008

Psalm 24:1-10
“Who shall stand in his holy place?” Good question. Who shall stand there? Many will look at the rest of the statement and say “I can, I can stand in His holy place.” I have clean hands - I have a pure heart - I am not vain - I am not deceitful - But one only needs to realize the righteousness of God compared to the standard of man. And even though we may think of ourselves as being alright, God sees us in an entirely different light. That is why Jesus came to earth. Lift up your heads, and the King of Glory shall come in. Who is the King of Glory? The Lord of hosts, the one and only Jesus Christ.

Mon. Dec. 22, 2008

Isaiah 46:8-13
Verse 13 states “I bring near my righteousness; it shall not be far off, and my salvation shall not tarry: and I will place salvation in Zion for Israel my glory”.
According to those that are much more smarter than me is, this book was written somewhere around 740 B.C. and tells us about the birth of the Lord Jesus. This is 2008. If some one had predicted that Barak Obama would be the first black president and they predicted that in the year 1268, and they described him in such a way that it could be no other black man, we would truly listen to other things that this prophet had to say. That is exactly what Isaiah did concerning the birth, life, and death of the Lord Jesus. I think that we should listen to what else they had to say. Isaiah said, speaking the words of the Father, I will place salvation in Zion, and indeed He did. The birth of the Lord Jesus certainly was the step we had all been needing to see the salvation that can belong to all of us.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Devotional Dec. 20 th

Saturday, December 20, 2008
Luke 1:39-45 “. . .for there shall be a performance or those things which were told her from the Lord.” Isn’t that beautiful. There shall be a performance. God is going to do what God says that He is going to do. He is a God of His Word. That is why we can always depend on Him. He has never failed us and He never will. His Word is accurate, He never deceives us or makes promises that He cannot keep. God is not like man. I know that there are many times that I make a promise and then I am not able to keep it. When I made the promise I intended to keep it, but sometimes it is not within my ability. Sometimes I over commit. Sometimes I forget. But not so with our Lord. He will keep that which He has promised. Depend on it!

Devotional Dec 19

Friday, December 19, 2008
Luke 21-25
“Thou believest not my words” Why would this man of God not believe the Word of God? I don’t know, why do we not believe the Word of God? God’s Word says to pray, yet most of our prayer lives are a joke. God’s Word says to tithe, yet we give only what we have to and many times we figure out a way to give nothing. God tells us to read His Word yet many times we are spiritually ignorant.
Now when Zechariah was found to be faithless he was struck dumb. He could not speak. I am sure that there were many things that he would have commented on, but he was not able to speak. I think that is what happens to many Christians today. We are faithless, we do not believe the Word of God and when the world attacks us we have nothing to say. When our children have problems, our mouths are silent. Would it not be better to believe God and to speak boldly and with power?

Devotional Dec. 18th

Thursday, December 18, 2008
Luke 1:12-20
Zechariah was troubled and fearful. Why would you be troubled when God was getting ready to bless you in a most remarkable way? Yet that is exactly what many do. I have a great many personality disorders. There is no reason to hide them, any body that knows me knows that I have them. I have become comfortable in my little world and I really don’t like to be moved from that domain. I don’t like change. I know that I could improve my life in many ways if I would modify my life in some regards but fear and anxiety prevent me. Is that what Zechariah was experiencing? Perhaps. But one thing I have learned about the changes that God brings into my life and that is that there is nothing to fear or to be troubled about. God doesn’t bring change into our lives unless it is for the better. He wants us to live life and live it more abundantly. Trust him, and you to will have a life that is constantly changed for the better day after day.

Devotional for Dec. 17th

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
- Luke 1:5-11
Zechariah and Elisabeth, two people that was simply living their lives, loving each other and doing what God wanted them to do going about their day to day lives without a clue that God was about to bless them tremendously. They were about to become the parents of John the Baptist. I have often wondered how bitter a pill they had swallowed until that blessed event of the birth of their son. How many times had they prayed that Elisabeth would be with child? How many times had they been disappointed? Had they grown to a place of despair, discouragement, depression? And how many of us understand what they had experienced because we have gone through the same emotions. But then one day! That is all domain it takes to turn your life completely around. That is all that it took to change the lives of Elisabeth and Zechariah. One day! Today, you are going about your business, fighting the demons that have plagued you for many days, maybe even years. But then the victory comes. The prayer has been answered. The sun begins to shine. That is why we never quit, that is why we patiently wait for that . . . One day!

A Night Amoung Many

There are some things that I really have a hard time getting over. You would think that after all these years my heart would have gotten a little harder but thanks to God it has not.
Last Friday night my wife and I drove to the north side of Indy, some 100 miles to see our granddaughter, Avery, sing a few songs. In attendance that night was, of course, her mommy and daddy, Nana, and Pop and Aunt Agnes was there and cousins Diana, Kai and Mason. Avery came walking into the auditorium with a huge smile on her face looking all around and taking notice of all her family there. While up on stage I flashed her the I Love you sign and with her face shining with glee returned the sign. A few minutes later I blew her a kiss that was quickly returned. As she walked out from what was certainly the performance of the year, a big smile on her face, this night would be one of hundreds, maybe thousands, of her life.
After the performance we went to Starbucks, ordered hot chocolate and all toasted Avery, because tonight was her night. The smile on her face and the giggle in her voice could not be purchased for all the money in the world, it is the gift of God.
I sat at home last night, thinking about the 31 year old woman, the one that took an overdose of drugs, that left behind an 18 month old baby and one that is just 5 or 6 years old. I thought about her little girl that came to me and said "Pastor, my mommy died today, you preached my daddy's funeral, will you preach hers?"
Will she ever have one night like Avery will have thousands?
Why do I do what I do? Because there are little girls who have no one else. They must know that their pastor loves them. I could not help her mom, although God knows I tried.
But I will, by the grace of God help her.
Because He Lives,
Pastor Steve Goens

Monday, December 15, 2008

Dec. 14th, 2008

Today at the church was a wonderful day. Our attendance was up a little and we had a great time as we heard our choir performed a cantata, A Child is Born. They did a great job and I am truly thankful for the effort that is always put forth. A sweet spirit, a good time and of course, the preaching was outstanding.
In the afternoon I received a phone call from one of our faithful ladies and she was in tears. A young woman, probably in her thirties or early forties, had been found dead of an overdose. I had worked with this lady many hours and had never been able to see her overcome her demons for more that just a few months at a time. God had worked many miracles in her life, but somehow we just could never get the commitment from her that we needed. I took a few minutes for prayer for her and her family and did my best to get a hold of the family but I could not reach them. I am not sure where they live and so all I could do is pray.
Church on Sunday night went as planned as we had an auditorium full of parents, and grandparents eager to see some young, future starts of stage and screen perform. It was a blessed time. After another fantastic message we departed for the fellowship hall for some refreshments. As I was standing on the ramp, overlooking the fellowship hall, as I always do during a fellowship time, a little girl, about six or seven years old, came up to me. She tugged on my coat and asked me, "Do you remember my daddy?" ( I had buried him a little over a year ago). Yes, I replied, "I remember him very well. (He had grown up in our church, and he too fought many demons) " Well", she said, "my mommy died today!" I leaned down and put my arms around her, and held her little body in my arms. I assured her of my love and had a word of prayer with her. Through her tears, she looked up at me and asked "Will you preach her funeral?"
Many times people will ask me why I do what I do. I will answer that later, I have a message to prepare to comfort a little girl who doesn't have a father or mother, because they have both died of a hellish lifestyle! Merry Christmas, little one. I must also go to work to keep her clean and give her a longer, more blessed lifestyle. Pray that God will give me wisdom!

Because He Lives,
Pastor Steve Goens

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Dec. 6th Devotional

Psalm 44:17-26
As a counselor and a pastor I am saddened often when I try to help someone that has gone through great problems in their lives.
I am saddened because their lives have been turned upside down. I am saddened because they are depressed, beaten and discouraged. But the thing that saddens me the most is often, they give up on God.
In Psalm 44:17 the Word of God states "All this is come upon us; yet have we not forgotten thee, . . ." Do not misunderstand me. I do not enjoy suffering any more than others. I do not rejoice over the misfortune of others, even my enemies. But we must not blame God or forsake Him. He will come through, when He is ready, and then His glory will be revealed and enjoyed.

Dec. 5th Devotional

1 Peter 4:12-19
It has always amused me when people are surprised by the troubles that they find themselves in. The reason that I am amused is because most people live in a negative mode most of their lives, expecting the worse, and then when it happens, they are surprised! Now, doesn't that seem humorous to you?
Now, our Bible says " . . . think it not strange . . ." God says that we should not be surprised when fiery trials come and try us. They are going to come!
When they come we should rejoice! Are you crazy? Rejoice when trouble comes? Yes, rejoice. When the Lord faced his greatest trial, when he faced death on the cross, He rejoice for the joy that was set before Him. He rejoiced because the crown, the cross, the beating, was just for a moment. But the resurrection, the victory is forever. As was His victory, so is ours!

Dec. 4th Devotional

Acts 14:21-23
Take a look today at verse 22, the first word there is "confirming." It means "to make firm, establish, make secure, stable."
Notice the second part of that same verse - "to continue in the faith." Now, one more time look at the third part of that verse - "through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God"
Let us put it all together and we will find that the tribulations that we go through, if we remain faithful to the things of God, will strengthen us and make us firm in the faith that God has given us.
To often, we do not grow, or become strong because when trouble comes we lay down our swords and run, rather than putting on the whole armour of God, and fighting the fight of faith.

Devotional Dec. 3rd

Wednesday, Dec 3, 2008 -
Romans 8:18-25
In verse 18 we read something that puts everything in order.We think that what we are going through here on earth is eternity and what we are facing in the future is for but a short time. I think that is a result of our instant gratification society. But look closely at what the Bible says. . . "For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us."
The word reckon means to compute, calculate, reason. The word worthy means - weighing as much as, like value, worth as much. The sufferings that we are going through right now and in the near future, after careful consideration, is not equal in value to the rewards and glory that God will give us, when we see him face to face!
Isn't that beautiful?

Dec. 2nd Devotional

Tuesday December 2, 2008 -
1 Thessalonians 2:13-16
Verse 13 is a very revealing verse concerning the strength and success of the early church and why they were able to reach so many is such a short period of time.
In the first place, they received the Word of God as the Word of God and not as the word of men. How we view the Bible, and respect its precepts determines what we will do with it. One who views the Bible as the word of God will obey even the most unpleasant precepts. For example, the Bible says "Give and it shall be given unto you, pressed down, shaken together and overflowing shall me give unto your bosom." If you view that as the Word of God you will give rather you have a little or a lot. If you don't believe it, then you will keep your money and wonder why you are not prosperous.
Secondly, because of the way that the Word of God was received the Bible says that the Word of God worked effectually in them. The word effectually means to put forth power, be operative, to work.
Many tell me that they really don't get much from the Word of God, maybe it is because of the way they are looking at it. How about you? Is the Word of God effectual in your life?

Persecution in the World

John 16:25-33
Monday, Dec 1, 2008
The Lord Jesus is beginning to prepare His Jewish followers for the days ahead. In verse 32 the Lord tells them that they are going to be scattered, and scattered they were.
When persecution came to the first century Christians it had the reverse effect that many would have thought. Instead of stopping the new church, it actually set it on fire and it began to spread out of control, and very soon consumed the known world.
Understand this very basic fact of being a Christian. Tough times are going to come. And when they come are you going to stop, drop and roll? Or are you going to become and all consuming fire?