Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Devotional for Dec. 17th

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
- Luke 1:5-11
Zechariah and Elisabeth, two people that was simply living their lives, loving each other and doing what God wanted them to do going about their day to day lives without a clue that God was about to bless them tremendously. They were about to become the parents of John the Baptist. I have often wondered how bitter a pill they had swallowed until that blessed event of the birth of their son. How many times had they prayed that Elisabeth would be with child? How many times had they been disappointed? Had they grown to a place of despair, discouragement, depression? And how many of us understand what they had experienced because we have gone through the same emotions. But then one day! That is all domain it takes to turn your life completely around. That is all that it took to change the lives of Elisabeth and Zechariah. One day! Today, you are going about your business, fighting the demons that have plagued you for many days, maybe even years. But then the victory comes. The prayer has been answered. The sun begins to shine. That is why we never quit, that is why we patiently wait for that . . . One day!