Monday, December 22, 2008

Sat. Dec. 27th, 2008

Romans 16:25-27
“. . .which was kept secret since the world began.” A verse like this one truly stimulates my mind. A secret? Something that God kept from us until he was ready to reveal it. Here of course He is speaking of the ministry of Jesus Christ and the great salvation that was bought by His precious blood. We read about the pre-incarnate Christ. We read about Christ’s suffering and His crucifixion. Now, we see the reality of those things. We read about heaven, and the end of our salvation, the beauty and the glory that awaits us. But one day, we shall see the reality of it.

Friday Dec. 26th, 2008

Psalm 148:1-14
God is so very good to us and we have so many things to be thankful. This day, let us take a few moments, with a pen and a piece of paper, and begin to list all the things that we can praise God. Good things that blesses us. Tough things that make us strong. Hard times that produces endurance in us. Tribulations that produce patience. Mistakes that teach us wisdom. Friends that comfort us. Enemies that help us perfect our forgiveness. Memories that helps the beautiful past live on. Memories of wrongs done that we can lay at the cross. In all things give thanks, and Praise ye the Lord.

Thurs. Dec. 25, 2008

Luke 2:1-7
Merry Christmas, may God richly bless you this day. Some things are certainly worth waiting for. From eternity past until the day of the earthly birth of the Lord Jesus was certainly a long period of time. But I am sure that you will agree that the wait was worth it. There are many times that I wait a very long time for God to do something in my life or in the life of someone else. Many times I feel as thought God has forgotten or that he simply doesn’t care. Maybe He is to busy, maybe He has changed His mind. And then one day I awake to find that God has accomplished exactly what He has promised he would. God certainly is not slack concerning His promise, as some men would count slackness, but He will do that which He said He will do. Just ask Mary and Joseph, and Elisabeth and Zechariah, and the host of angels and the wise men and . . . well, you get the picture. God never forgets, forsakes or folds. He was there on the first Christmas, and He will be there on the last Christmas and He will be there for all eternity, for you and for me!

Wed. Dec. 24, 2009

Psalm 113:1-9
Who is like unto the Lord? I have spent since 1972 making the study of the Word of God an important matter in my life.
Read verse 5.
Now, read very slowly, one thought at a time verses 6 thru 9. Each thought is a precious thought. Each action is a remarkable action. And as you read this passage you are only looking at a small portion of who He really is. There truly are no others like our Lord.
Take one aspect, any aspect and see if you can find one like unto Him. His Love, there is no greater love. His sacrifice, the sacrifice can never be matched. His wisdom, is greater than any wisdom. There is no other like Him, that is why we love him with all our heart, and live for Him every day.

Tuesday Dec. 23, 2008

Psalm 24:1-10
“Who shall stand in his holy place?” Good question. Who shall stand there? Many will look at the rest of the statement and say “I can, I can stand in His holy place.” I have clean hands - I have a pure heart - I am not vain - I am not deceitful - But one only needs to realize the righteousness of God compared to the standard of man. And even though we may think of ourselves as being alright, God sees us in an entirely different light. That is why Jesus came to earth. Lift up your heads, and the King of Glory shall come in. Who is the King of Glory? The Lord of hosts, the one and only Jesus Christ.

Mon. Dec. 22, 2008

Isaiah 46:8-13
Verse 13 states “I bring near my righteousness; it shall not be far off, and my salvation shall not tarry: and I will place salvation in Zion for Israel my glory”.
According to those that are much more smarter than me is, this book was written somewhere around 740 B.C. and tells us about the birth of the Lord Jesus. This is 2008. If some one had predicted that Barak Obama would be the first black president and they predicted that in the year 1268, and they described him in such a way that it could be no other black man, we would truly listen to other things that this prophet had to say. That is exactly what Isaiah did concerning the birth, life, and death of the Lord Jesus. I think that we should listen to what else they had to say. Isaiah said, speaking the words of the Father, I will place salvation in Zion, and indeed He did. The birth of the Lord Jesus certainly was the step we had all been needing to see the salvation that can belong to all of us.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Devotional Dec. 20 th

Saturday, December 20, 2008
Luke 1:39-45 “. . .for there shall be a performance or those things which were told her from the Lord.” Isn’t that beautiful. There shall be a performance. God is going to do what God says that He is going to do. He is a God of His Word. That is why we can always depend on Him. He has never failed us and He never will. His Word is accurate, He never deceives us or makes promises that He cannot keep. God is not like man. I know that there are many times that I make a promise and then I am not able to keep it. When I made the promise I intended to keep it, but sometimes it is not within my ability. Sometimes I over commit. Sometimes I forget. But not so with our Lord. He will keep that which He has promised. Depend on it!

Devotional Dec 19

Friday, December 19, 2008
Luke 21-25
“Thou believest not my words” Why would this man of God not believe the Word of God? I don’t know, why do we not believe the Word of God? God’s Word says to pray, yet most of our prayer lives are a joke. God’s Word says to tithe, yet we give only what we have to and many times we figure out a way to give nothing. God tells us to read His Word yet many times we are spiritually ignorant.
Now when Zechariah was found to be faithless he was struck dumb. He could not speak. I am sure that there were many things that he would have commented on, but he was not able to speak. I think that is what happens to many Christians today. We are faithless, we do not believe the Word of God and when the world attacks us we have nothing to say. When our children have problems, our mouths are silent. Would it not be better to believe God and to speak boldly and with power?

Devotional Dec. 18th

Thursday, December 18, 2008
Luke 1:12-20
Zechariah was troubled and fearful. Why would you be troubled when God was getting ready to bless you in a most remarkable way? Yet that is exactly what many do. I have a great many personality disorders. There is no reason to hide them, any body that knows me knows that I have them. I have become comfortable in my little world and I really don’t like to be moved from that domain. I don’t like change. I know that I could improve my life in many ways if I would modify my life in some regards but fear and anxiety prevent me. Is that what Zechariah was experiencing? Perhaps. But one thing I have learned about the changes that God brings into my life and that is that there is nothing to fear or to be troubled about. God doesn’t bring change into our lives unless it is for the better. He wants us to live life and live it more abundantly. Trust him, and you to will have a life that is constantly changed for the better day after day.

Devotional for Dec. 17th

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
- Luke 1:5-11
Zechariah and Elisabeth, two people that was simply living their lives, loving each other and doing what God wanted them to do going about their day to day lives without a clue that God was about to bless them tremendously. They were about to become the parents of John the Baptist. I have often wondered how bitter a pill they had swallowed until that blessed event of the birth of their son. How many times had they prayed that Elisabeth would be with child? How many times had they been disappointed? Had they grown to a place of despair, discouragement, depression? And how many of us understand what they had experienced because we have gone through the same emotions. But then one day! That is all domain it takes to turn your life completely around. That is all that it took to change the lives of Elisabeth and Zechariah. One day! Today, you are going about your business, fighting the demons that have plagued you for many days, maybe even years. But then the victory comes. The prayer has been answered. The sun begins to shine. That is why we never quit, that is why we patiently wait for that . . . One day!

A Night Amoung Many

There are some things that I really have a hard time getting over. You would think that after all these years my heart would have gotten a little harder but thanks to God it has not.
Last Friday night my wife and I drove to the north side of Indy, some 100 miles to see our granddaughter, Avery, sing a few songs. In attendance that night was, of course, her mommy and daddy, Nana, and Pop and Aunt Agnes was there and cousins Diana, Kai and Mason. Avery came walking into the auditorium with a huge smile on her face looking all around and taking notice of all her family there. While up on stage I flashed her the I Love you sign and with her face shining with glee returned the sign. A few minutes later I blew her a kiss that was quickly returned. As she walked out from what was certainly the performance of the year, a big smile on her face, this night would be one of hundreds, maybe thousands, of her life.
After the performance we went to Starbucks, ordered hot chocolate and all toasted Avery, because tonight was her night. The smile on her face and the giggle in her voice could not be purchased for all the money in the world, it is the gift of God.
I sat at home last night, thinking about the 31 year old woman, the one that took an overdose of drugs, that left behind an 18 month old baby and one that is just 5 or 6 years old. I thought about her little girl that came to me and said "Pastor, my mommy died today, you preached my daddy's funeral, will you preach hers?"
Will she ever have one night like Avery will have thousands?
Why do I do what I do? Because there are little girls who have no one else. They must know that their pastor loves them. I could not help her mom, although God knows I tried.
But I will, by the grace of God help her.
Because He Lives,
Pastor Steve Goens

Monday, December 15, 2008

Dec. 14th, 2008

Today at the church was a wonderful day. Our attendance was up a little and we had a great time as we heard our choir performed a cantata, A Child is Born. They did a great job and I am truly thankful for the effort that is always put forth. A sweet spirit, a good time and of course, the preaching was outstanding.
In the afternoon I received a phone call from one of our faithful ladies and she was in tears. A young woman, probably in her thirties or early forties, had been found dead of an overdose. I had worked with this lady many hours and had never been able to see her overcome her demons for more that just a few months at a time. God had worked many miracles in her life, but somehow we just could never get the commitment from her that we needed. I took a few minutes for prayer for her and her family and did my best to get a hold of the family but I could not reach them. I am not sure where they live and so all I could do is pray.
Church on Sunday night went as planned as we had an auditorium full of parents, and grandparents eager to see some young, future starts of stage and screen perform. It was a blessed time. After another fantastic message we departed for the fellowship hall for some refreshments. As I was standing on the ramp, overlooking the fellowship hall, as I always do during a fellowship time, a little girl, about six or seven years old, came up to me. She tugged on my coat and asked me, "Do you remember my daddy?" ( I had buried him a little over a year ago). Yes, I replied, "I remember him very well. (He had grown up in our church, and he too fought many demons) " Well", she said, "my mommy died today!" I leaned down and put my arms around her, and held her little body in my arms. I assured her of my love and had a word of prayer with her. Through her tears, she looked up at me and asked "Will you preach her funeral?"
Many times people will ask me why I do what I do. I will answer that later, I have a message to prepare to comfort a little girl who doesn't have a father or mother, because they have both died of a hellish lifestyle! Merry Christmas, little one. I must also go to work to keep her clean and give her a longer, more blessed lifestyle. Pray that God will give me wisdom!

Because He Lives,
Pastor Steve Goens

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Dec. 6th Devotional

Psalm 44:17-26
As a counselor and a pastor I am saddened often when I try to help someone that has gone through great problems in their lives.
I am saddened because their lives have been turned upside down. I am saddened because they are depressed, beaten and discouraged. But the thing that saddens me the most is often, they give up on God.
In Psalm 44:17 the Word of God states "All this is come upon us; yet have we not forgotten thee, . . ." Do not misunderstand me. I do not enjoy suffering any more than others. I do not rejoice over the misfortune of others, even my enemies. But we must not blame God or forsake Him. He will come through, when He is ready, and then His glory will be revealed and enjoyed.

Dec. 5th Devotional

1 Peter 4:12-19
It has always amused me when people are surprised by the troubles that they find themselves in. The reason that I am amused is because most people live in a negative mode most of their lives, expecting the worse, and then when it happens, they are surprised! Now, doesn't that seem humorous to you?
Now, our Bible says " . . . think it not strange . . ." God says that we should not be surprised when fiery trials come and try us. They are going to come!
When they come we should rejoice! Are you crazy? Rejoice when trouble comes? Yes, rejoice. When the Lord faced his greatest trial, when he faced death on the cross, He rejoice for the joy that was set before Him. He rejoiced because the crown, the cross, the beating, was just for a moment. But the resurrection, the victory is forever. As was His victory, so is ours!

Dec. 4th Devotional

Acts 14:21-23
Take a look today at verse 22, the first word there is "confirming." It means "to make firm, establish, make secure, stable."
Notice the second part of that same verse - "to continue in the faith." Now, one more time look at the third part of that verse - "through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God"
Let us put it all together and we will find that the tribulations that we go through, if we remain faithful to the things of God, will strengthen us and make us firm in the faith that God has given us.
To often, we do not grow, or become strong because when trouble comes we lay down our swords and run, rather than putting on the whole armour of God, and fighting the fight of faith.

Devotional Dec. 3rd

Wednesday, Dec 3, 2008 -
Romans 8:18-25
In verse 18 we read something that puts everything in order.We think that what we are going through here on earth is eternity and what we are facing in the future is for but a short time. I think that is a result of our instant gratification society. But look closely at what the Bible says. . . "For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us."
The word reckon means to compute, calculate, reason. The word worthy means - weighing as much as, like value, worth as much. The sufferings that we are going through right now and in the near future, after careful consideration, is not equal in value to the rewards and glory that God will give us, when we see him face to face!
Isn't that beautiful?

Dec. 2nd Devotional

Tuesday December 2, 2008 -
1 Thessalonians 2:13-16
Verse 13 is a very revealing verse concerning the strength and success of the early church and why they were able to reach so many is such a short period of time.
In the first place, they received the Word of God as the Word of God and not as the word of men. How we view the Bible, and respect its precepts determines what we will do with it. One who views the Bible as the word of God will obey even the most unpleasant precepts. For example, the Bible says "Give and it shall be given unto you, pressed down, shaken together and overflowing shall me give unto your bosom." If you view that as the Word of God you will give rather you have a little or a lot. If you don't believe it, then you will keep your money and wonder why you are not prosperous.
Secondly, because of the way that the Word of God was received the Bible says that the Word of God worked effectually in them. The word effectually means to put forth power, be operative, to work.
Many tell me that they really don't get much from the Word of God, maybe it is because of the way they are looking at it. How about you? Is the Word of God effectual in your life?

Persecution in the World

John 16:25-33
Monday, Dec 1, 2008
The Lord Jesus is beginning to prepare His Jewish followers for the days ahead. In verse 32 the Lord tells them that they are going to be scattered, and scattered they were.
When persecution came to the first century Christians it had the reverse effect that many would have thought. Instead of stopping the new church, it actually set it on fire and it began to spread out of control, and very soon consumed the known world.
Understand this very basic fact of being a Christian. Tough times are going to come. And when they come are you going to stop, drop and roll? Or are you going to become and all consuming fire?

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Devotionals Nov 17-22

Monday, Nov 17, 2008 - Psalm 46:1-11 What a powerful passage of Scripture we have today before us, and what a very calming affect it should have on us. "God is our refuge." When storms come there are places that we are to run and hide, precautions that we are to take and things and places we are to avoid. Then, hopefully, we will survive the storms that take the lives of others, often those, who did not seek a place of refuge. But them man or woman of God know the place to seek in the times of the greatest storms in our lives is the shelter that only God can give. He is our refuge! No question about rather we will survive or not, we will, because He lives, we shall live also, and not only live, but live abundantly! Even in times of trouble.

Tuesday Nov 18, 2008 -
Psalm 46:1-11
"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble". Have you ever been in trouble, I mean real trouble? Life changing trouble? I am not talking about forgetting to take out the trash (I get in trouble in this fashion every week). Or turning in an assignment a day late. I am talking about trouble that will change the course of your life forever. I have. It is times like this that you find out who your true friends are. Do you want to know what I discovered? I only had a couple of friends that was willing to go to the mat for me. What made me sad was that I have dozens that could have helped but did not care enough to do so. But God, my God, was a very present help in trouble. Always there, always available, always a visible sign of strength in my time of desperate need. Always there to comfort me and to guide me trough those times. "The joy of the Lord is my strength." And He will be your strength as well.

Wednesday, Nov 19, 2008
Philippians 1:12-18
Does everything work for the good, to them that love God, and the called according to his purpose? Paul seams to think so. Over and over again people have asked me "what is God trying to do to me?" "Why does every thing bad happen to me?" From a rather casual study of the life of Paul one can certainly understand that Paul lived a rather difficult life and much more difficult than the ordinary man today. Yet Paul stated "But I would ye should understand, brethren, that the things which happened unto me have fallen out rather unto the furtherance of the gospel; . . ." I don't know what you may be facing today but if the gospel is spread and people are saved, because of your troubles, is your cost to great? Thursday, Nov 20, 2008 - Philippians 1:19-26 Found in today's reading is probably one of the most powerful passages of Scripture found in the Word of God and I really wish that I had a complete understanding of the text. "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." I know that many would assume that they understand this passage. For me, I understand it intellectually. But do I grasp it as Paul did? I doubt it. For to me to live is Christ.
I can no more live without Christ than I can live without air to breath.
I can no more live without Christ than I can live without food to eat.
I can no more live without Christ than I can live without my organs that make my body function.
I can no more live without Christ than I can live without a world in which to live.
I can live without my eyes because my faith will still be able to see the things of God.
I can live without my legs, because the spreading of the Gospel is in its proclamation.
I can live without my voice, because God can still speak to the hearts of man.
I can live without my arms, because it is His arms that are not shortened.
I can live without my life because my works will follow me and Jesus died to give me eternal life.
But without Him, nothing else matters.

Friday, Nov 21, 2008 -
Philippians 1:27-30
How does the proper conduct of the believer benefit the Gospel of Christ? Here in verse 28, there are some suggestions. Nothing terrified by your adversaries - we should not be intimidated. Regardless of who is our adversary, we should be confident in the strength and power of Jesus. This is a two fold sign.
To the unbelievers - it is a sign of their lost condition.
To the believers - it is a sign that they are saved.
Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world.

Saturday, Nov 22, 2008 -
Philippians 3:17- 4:1
In Acts chapter one the Bible speaks of Judas who was a guide to those that crucified the Lord. In numerous places the Bible speaks of those that won people to Christ. In today's Scripture the Bible tells us to be examples to others. As one person stated, "Nobody is worthless. Even the most despicable can serve as a bad example." I would never want to be as Judas was and serve our Lord's enemy and aid in his advancement against our Christ. Neither would I wish to be a do nothing Christian, that promotes the idea to others that you do not have any obligation to do anything for the cause of Christ, because that work is the work of others. I do, however, wish to be the man that leads others to Christ making an eternal difference to them and to their family. How about you?

Thursday, November 13, 2008

An invitation for Nov. 23rd

Dear Friend,
I want to begin this letter by thanking you for thirty great years. Back in December of 1978, a 28 year old preacher and his young beautiful wife and two children came to the Baptist Temple to begin a ministry that has now lasted 30 years. When I came here I told you to be careful how you voted. My wife and I had moved eight times in nine years of marriage and I was not planning on moving again for a long time. One of the questions asked of me was, “Preacher, are you going to stay a little while and then leave like all the others?” My answer “I will stay at least 20 years.” It has been thirty!
So, with Thanksgiving to you and to our Lord, I want you to help me celebrate our 30 years together. On November 23, 2008 we will have our annual Thanksgiving dinner together as a church family immediately following the Sunday Morning service. We will have all the fixin’s and the meal will be outstanding. Our services that morning will begin at 10:00 A.M. The choir will be singing some of my favorite hymns and our soloist will be singing my favorite songs, and one of my favorite young people will be with us as well, 16 year old soloist Brianne Chrenko. Brianne has been here at the Baptist Temple several times, and is an outstanding young lady in every meaning of the word and will minister to us in song.
Of course there will be preaching from the Word of God as I am going to preach from Genesis to Revelation, everything that I have ever preached in one message (We should be finished before you have to go to work Monday morning).
Oh, and we must not forget that there will be a “Roast”! Some of the folks requested a time to say something about me. All in all, we should have a great day, and it is my prayer that you will be with us and we have a day that we “In Everything Give Thanks”.

Because He Lives,
Pastor Steve Goens
Jeremiah 33:3

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Devotionals Nov. 10th-15th

Monday, Nov 10, 2008 -
Acts 1:15-26
In verse 16 of the Scripture today the Bible says "Men and brethren, this scripture must needs have been fulfilled, which the Holy Ghost by the mouth of David spake before concerning Judas, which was guide to them that took Jesus." Wow, what an indictment! The man that let the mob to Jesus. As I read that I thought to myself how often times people will go out of their way to do the wrong thing, when doing the right thing is so much easier, and so much more rewarding. I would hope that one day my Lord would say of me, "he led many to the cross. How about you? Wouldn't you rather be known in that light than to be known a Judas was known?
Tuesday, Nov 11, 2008 -
Matthew 10:1-15
These verses tell us that there were special men, to do a special work, for a special time and a special purpose. The lives and the ministry of the Apostles is a great Bible Study and one that we may one day look at further. Today however, I want to point out to you that I think that God has special people, to do a special work, for a special time and a special purpose and that time is now. We live in very difficult times , I think that is very clear. Prophecy is being fulfilled on a daily basis and reading the newspaper headlines is nearly like reading the Scriptures. Thank God the Apostles did what God wanted them to do. Thank God they got us started off right. Now it is time for us to bring it home. Now, in these last days, God needs us to be more faithful than at any time to stand true to the Word of God and to win the lost, before time is no more.
Wednesday, Nov 12, 2008 -
Matthew 10:16-25
"I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves; . . ." How is that for the last encouraging words before one begins a journey of a lifetime. It sounds as if our Lord is sending his chosen ones into a battle that they cannot possible win. So many times in our life we feel the same way. That God has placed more on us, than we can accomplish and that makes our success doubtful. But just as the Lord gave the Apostles the power to succeed in their duties and to overcome those that wished to destroy them so does our Lord give us His power to do the same today. We must, as they, be wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.
Thursday, Nov 13, 2008 -
Matthew 10:32-39
"And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me." I really don't know if I have any idea what this verse means. I can explain it intellectually. But do I really understand the very essence of the verse? I know very few people who understand this concept from a experiential position, but I do understand enough that most of what we, as modern day Americans call a cross is probably more of an inconvenience, and followeth after me, means from a far distance. What could we do if we were to stop complaining and begin to truly follow after our Lord? How much stronger would we be, if we carried the Cross instead of trying to shift it to others? How much more would we hear from God, if we would get close enough to actually hear His Word?
Friday, November 14, 2008 -
1 Timothy 4:6-16
"If thou put the brethren in remembrance of these things ..."One of my favorite songs states "Roll back the curtain of memory now and then, show me where you brought me from and where I could have been. " There is rarely a day that passes that I do not think of what God has done for me. Now by no measure have I attained, but I have come a very long way. I have a long way to go, but the journey with my Lord is sweeter than any other journey that I have taken. I don't know how others keep their walk with Christ meaningful and magical, but I know how I do. I just remember all that he has done for me. That is enough! "Keep in remembrance of these things."
Saturday, Nov 15, 2008 -
Acts 13:1-12
What is done at the end of the day in your day to day living?What will be done at the end of your life? Will you be wealthy, or maybe a captain of industry? Maybe you will sit on many boards, be looked upon by millions? Maybe you will be President of the United States. Stranger things have happened. But all those things are temporal. There is only one thing that is eternal that we have any control. Notice what the Scripture states, "Then the deputy, when he saw what was done, believed, being astonished at the doctrine of the Lord." That is what matters. Are others astonished at the doctrine of the Lord, when they see what God has done in your life?

Friday, November 7, 2008


I wanted to share a wonderful expert from a book I have been reading:

By the time I was ten, I was totally ashamed of my father. All my friends called him names: Quasi-Moto, hunchback, monster, little Frankenstein, the crooked little man with the crooked little cane. At first it hurt when they called him those things, but soon I found myself agreeing with them. He was ugly, and I knew it!
My father was born with something called parastremmatic dwarfism. The disease made him stop growing when he was about thirteen and caused his body to twist and turn into a grotesque shape. It wasn't too bad when he was a kid. I saw pictures of him when he was about my age. He was a little short but quite good-looking. Even when he met my mother and married her when he was nineteen, he still looked pretty normal. He was still short and walked with a slight limp, but he was able to do just about anything. Mother said, "He even used to be a great dancer."
Soon after my birth, things started getting worse. Another genetic disorder took over, and his left foot started turning out, almost backward. His head and neck shifted over to the right; his neck became rigid and he had to look over his left shoulder a bit. His right arm curled in and up, and his index finger almost touched his elbow. His spine warped to look something like a big, old roller coaster and it caused his torso to lie sideways instead of straight up and down like a normal person. His walk became low, awkward, and deliberate.. He had to almost drag his left foot as he used his deformed right arm to balance his gait.
I hated to be seen with him. Everyone stared.. They seemed to pity me. I knew he must have done something really bad to have God hate him that much. By the time I was seventeen, I was blaming all my problems on my father. I didn't have the rig ht boyfriends because of him. I didn't drive the right car because of him. I wasn't pretty enough because of him. I didn't have the right jobs because of him. I wasn't happy because of him.
Anything that was wrong with me, or my life, was because of him. If my father had been good-looking like Jane's father, or successful like Paul's father, or worldly like Terry's father, I would be perfect! I knew that for sure.
The night of my senior prom came, and Father had to place one more nail in my coffin; he had volunteered to be one of the chaperons at the dance.
My heart just sank when he told me. I stormed into my room, slammed the door, threw myself on the bed, and cried. "Three more weeks and I'll be out of here!" I screamed into my pillow. "Three more weeks and I will have graduated and be moving away to college." I sat up and took a deep breath.
"God, please make my father go away and leave me alone. He keeps sticking his big nose in everything I do. Just make him disappear, so that I can have a good time at the dance."
I got dressed, my date picked me up, and we went to the prom. Father followed in his car behind us. When we arrived, Father seemed to vanish into the pink chiffon drapes that hung everywhere in the auditorium. I thanked God that He had heard my prayer. At least now I could have some fun.
Midway through the dance, Father came out from behind the drapes and decided to embarrass me again. He started dancing with my girlfriends. One by one, he took their hand and led them to the dance floor. He then clumsily moved them in circles as the band played. Now I tried to vanish into the drapes.
After Jane had danced with him, she headed my way. Oh, no! I thought.. She's going to tell me he stomped on her foot or something.
"Grace," she called, "you have the greatest father."
My face fell. "What?"
She smiled at me and grabbed my shoulders. "Your father's just the best. He's funny, kind, and always finds the time to be where you need him. I wish my father was more like that."
For one of the first times in my life, I couldn't talk. Her words confused me.
"What do you mean?" I asked her.
Jane looked at me really strangely. "What do you mean, what do I mean? Your father's wonderful. I remember when we were kids, and I'd sleep over at your house. He'd always come into your room, sit down in the chair between the twin beds, and read us a book. I'm not sure my father can even read," she sighed, and then smiled. "Thanks for sharing him."
Then, Jane ran off to dance with her boyfriend. I stood there in silence.
A few minutes later, Paul came to stand beside me.
"He's sure having a lot of fun."
"What? Who? Who is having a lot of fun?" I asked.
"Your father. He's having a ball."
"Yeah. I guess." I didn't know what else to say.
"You know, he's always been there," Paul said. "I remember when you and I were on the mixed-doubles soccer team. He tried out as the coach, but he couldn't run up and down the field, remember? So they picked Jackie's father instead. That didn't stop him. He showed up for every game and did whatever needed to be done. He was the team's biggest fan. I think he's the reason we won so many games. Without him, it just would have been Jackie's father running up and down the field yelling at us. Your father made it fun. I wish my father had been able to show up to at least one of our games. He was always too busy."
Paul's girlfriend came out of the restroom, and he went to her side, leaving me once again speechless.
My boyfriend came back with two glasses of punch and handed me one. "Well, what do you think of my father?" I asked out of the blue.
Terry looked surprised. "I like him. I always have.."
"Then why did you call him names when we were kids?"
"I don't know. Because he was different, and I was a dumb kid ."
"When did you stop calling him names?" I asked, trying to search my own memory.
Terry didn't even have to think about the answer. "The day he sat down with me outside by the pool and held me while I cried about my mother and father's divorce. No one else would let me talk about it. I was hurting inside, and he could feel it. He cried with me that day. I thought you knew."
I looked at Terry and a tear rolled down my cheek as long-forgotten memories started cascading into my consciousness.
When I was three, my puppy got killed by another dog, and my father was there to hold me and teach me what happens when the pets we love die.
When I was five, my father took me to my first day of school. I was so scared. So was he. We cried and held each other that first day. The next day he became teacher's helper.. When I was eight, I just couldn't do math. Father sat down with me night after night, and we worked on math problems until math became easy for me. When I was ten, my father bought me a brand-new bike. When it was stolen, because I didn't lock it up like I was taught to do, my father gave me jobs to do around the house so I could make enough money to purchase another one.. When I was thirteen and my first love broke up with me, my father was there to yell at, to blame, and to cry with. When I was fifteen and I got to be in the honor society, my father was there to see me get the accolade. Now, when I was seventeen, he put up with me no matter how nasty I became or how high my hormones raged.
As I looked at my father dancing gaily with my friends, a big toothy grin on his face, I suddenly saw him differently. The handicaps weren't his, they were mine! I had spent a great deal of my life hating the man who loved me. I had hated the exterior that I saw, and I had ignored the interior that contained his God-given heart.. I suddenly felt very ashamed.
I asked Terry to take me home, too overcome with feelings to remain.
On graduation day, at my Christian high school, my name was called, and I stood behind the podium as the valedictorian of my class. As I looked out over the people in the audience, my gaze rested on my father in the front row sitting next to my mother. He sat there, in his one and only, specially made suit, holding my mother's hand and smiling.
Overcome with emotions, my prepared speech was to become a landmark in my life.
"Today I stand here as an honor student, able to graduate with a 4.0 average. Yes, I was in the honor society for three years and was elected class president for the last two years. I led our school to championship in the debate club, and yes, I even won a full scholarship to Kenton State University so that I can continue to study physics and someday become a college professor.
"What I'm here to tell you today, fellow graduates, is that I didn't do it alone. God was there, and I had a whole bunch of friends, teachers, and counselors who helped. Up until three weeks ago, I thought they were the only ones I would be thanking this evening. If I had thanked just them, I would have been leaving out the most important person in my life. My father."
I looked down at my father and at the look of complete shock that covered his face.
I stepped out from behind the podium and motioned for my father to join me onstage. He made his way slowly, awkwardly, and deliberately. He had to drag his left foot up the stairs as he used his deformed right arm to balance his gait. As he stood next to me at the podium, I took his small, crippled hand in mine and held it tight.
"Sometimes we only see the silhouette of the people around us," I said. "For years I was as shallow as the silhouettes I saw. For almost my entire life, I saw my father as someone to make fun of, someone to blame, and someone to be ashamed of. He wasn't perfect, like the fathers my friends had.
"Well, fellow graduates, what I found out three weeks ago is that while I was envying my friends' fathers, my friends were envying mine. That realization hit me hard and made me look at who I was and what I had become. I was brought up to pray to God and hold high principles for others and myself. What I've done most of my life is read between the lines of the Good Book so I could justify my hatred."
Then, I turned to look my father in the face.
"Father, I owe you a big apology. I based my love for you on what I saw and not what I felt. I forgot to look at the one part of you that meant the most, the big, big heart God gave you. As I move out of high school and into life, I want you to know I could not have had a better father. You were always there for me, and no matter how badly I hurt you, you still showed up. Thank you!"
I took off my mortar board and placed it on his head, moving the tassel just so.
"You are the reason I am standing here today. You deserve this honor, not me ."
And as the audience applauded and cried with us, I felt God's light shining down upon me as I embraced my father more warmly than I ever had before, tears unashamedly falling down both our faces.
For the first time, I saw my father through God's eyes, and I felt honored to be seen with him.
Written by: Candace Carteen, Portland, Oregon

From the book: God Allows U Turns: True Stories of Hope and Healing by Allison Bottke

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Wednesday - October 29, 2008 -
Matthew 10:16-25
Although the Lord Jesus is speaking to his apostles and early diciples I think we can easily apply this passage to his latter day saints. (Not Mormons, but rather the saved in the last days or in other words - us.) The persecution against Christians world wide is astounding. We do not hear much about it but it is there and witnessed by millions. And, it is going to get more difficult. This country, and the world, according to Scripture is going to face the greatest personal attacks against Christians that the world has ever known. So, the best way to deal with this is to become a coward, dig a hole and crawl inside and cover ourselves with the dirt! Or we can do what the champions of the Cross did before us. We can become more aggressive, carrying the Word of God all over our known world winning the war by telling others of the glories of the cross. Yes, but that might get us killed! Yea, isn't that great!

Thursday - Oct 30, 2008 -
Matthew 10:32-39
We must be confident in the power and the promises of our God. As we preach the Word of God we must understand that there will be some that will hate us. That is a fact. What did Jesus do to get crucified? He healed the sick, caused the lame to walk, fed thousands. All criminal offenses wouldn't you say? Of course non of these things were the things that crucified the Christ. He proclaimed himself to be equal with God! That will do it. And when He declared himself to be God, they rose up against Him and killed Him. But wait a minute. What if someone came and said that he was God, and that all that we believed was wrong. That things that we believe were wrongly taught to us all our lives. Would we not rise up against that individual and seek to destroy him? Certainly we would, that is why we warn about the coming Anti-Christ. When we preach against sin, divorce, immorality, booze, drugs, abortion, same sex marriage, etc., we are preaching against the God of this world. Of course we will be persecuted. The world is doing just what the known world did in the times of Christ. But we must love them enough, to continue on, just like Jesus did

Friday - October 31, 2008 -
1 Timothy 4:6-16
Finally, a passage of Scripture that I can throw in the face of my wife that will shut her up and her constant harping about me going to the gym "For bodily exercise profiteth little. . ." amen and glory hallelujah!!!! Bodily exercise profiteth little and yet one of the great industries in our country tells us that bodily exercise is every thing. Open up a magazine and there are diet pills to make us skinny. Turn the page and there is some skinny guy telling about the energy drink that made him loose 200 pounds. Nip this, tuck that! Body, Body, Body! Exercise and you will be loved by every one, your children will be proud of you, you will not have marriage problems, you will make more money, your family will be well adjusted and your lawn will not have crab grass. Yada, Yada, Yada!! However, the Bible also says that "Godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come." Now, I was trying to be a little bit sarcastic about the exercise of the body. I myself belong to two exercise facilities. I go to both of them on a regular basis. One of them I go to on the 15th of every month and pay my dues. On the other I go to on the 28th to pay the dues. Isn't that the way most Christians do. We go once or twice a month to pay our dues but we never really get into the Word of God. That is why we are weak. Godliness is profitable unto all things, all things that we face today. All of our trials, tribulations, disappointments. It is also profitable for the days ahead. And what will we face then? Only God knows, but if we walk with Him we will be well prepared.

Saturday - November 1, 2008 -
Acts 13:1-12 (V 42-43)
As a worker for God, what should we accomplish? What should we dream? What should we pray? Life is tough and it is getting tougher, and yet the work that God has put before us must be accomplished and we do not have long to do it. We will be persecuted, there is no doubt about that. Millions around the world are already being persecuted and losing their lives but they continue on and should we do any less. We will be unpopular. There will be those that miss-quote us misunderstand us and hate us because of what the Scripture says. But this is not a popularity contest, and we must love our enemies enough to continue on and to be there for them. It will be worth it to them and us. Notice verse 42. There were those that walked away, but there were those who walked with them and desired the things of God. It is for them that we continue on.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Monday -Oct 27, 2008
Acts 1:15-26
Take a moment with me this morning and look at verse 24. "They prayed and said, Thou, Lord, which knowest the hearts of all men. . . " It is true. Our Lord knows the hearts of all men. When I think of a passage I think of the little girl that wants to help her mommy in the kitchen and ends up knocking the batter on the floor. Is that little girl punished? Not if her mother has any brains at all. The little girl didn't do it on purpose, her heart was right even though her actions brought about a catastrophe. Sometimes, we as Christians do wrong things. But God knows our hearts. He understands our failures, but God will always look on our heart. Sometimes, we as Christians do right things, with a bad attitude and for the wrong reasons. God also then looks on the heart and knows our hearts. We can fool people, but we cannot fool our God, He knows our heart.

Tuesday - OCT 28, 2008
Matthew 10:1-15
We are living in tough times, I think that nearly everyone will agree with that. Someone, a rather naive someone, said to me the other day, I cannot imagine things getting any worse. I thought to my self, that this person was clueless. I have been to the Philippines. I have friends who have described to me in detail the life in India, Mexico, Mongolia, Romania, etc. Things can get worse and, even though I am a great optimist, I declare unto you that things will get worse. In Matthew 10, and verse 14 it talks about the ones that would reject the apostles and the message they delivered. The same holds true to those who reject the Words of God today. The times are tough, but there is hope. Hope in the Word of God and his promises for those who love Him. One could say, it is the only hope.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


MONDAY - Acts 4:1-12
Why were the priest, the captain of the temple and the Sadducees grieved that they taught the people and preached through Jesus the resurrection from the dead? That is the difference between religion and Christianity. Religion will always be grieved at the preaching of the Word of God. Religion does not like the Word of God because it goes against what they believe. Religion is born in the heart of man Christianity is born in the heart of God Religion believes good works will be rewarded Christianity teaches that God rewards faith in His Son and the Sacrifice of Calvary. Religion teaches that you can never know if you are good enough Christianity teaches that you will never be good enough. That is why you need to be saved by the shed blood of Jesus Christ.

TUESDAY - Acts 2:13-22
In the world today, we have Bible Colleges, and seminaries. I have no problem with either one, in fact I teach in 2 Bible Colleges one in the Indianapolis area and the other in Davao City, Philippines. But I fear that many mistake and substitute education for walking with God. I have many good layman that have felt unqualified to witness or to teach a class because they do not have the proper education. One in fact used the very words of verse 13 when he stated that he was "unlearned and ignorant." I believe that it is the responsibility of every Christian to have a working knowledge of the Word of God. One should not only read the Bible and pay attention in church but take the responsibility to study God's Word as well. However, never confuse Bible knowledge with the power of God as you walk with Him.

WEDNESDAY - Acts 4:23-31
Why do we not speak to others about our Lord and Saviour? Why do we not speak to our neighbors, our co-workers and our family members about the salvation that God has entrusted to believers to spread to a lost and uncaring world? Notice verse 29. We, like they (the early followers of Jesus), fear the threatenings of the non believers. Of what are we afraid? In the days of Jesus the loss of jobs, homes, family and life itself were a possibility. In some parts of the world the same is still true, however in this country, the USA, those threats are not as real as they were in the days of the early church. The early disciples prayed that God would give them boldness. They did not ask for the removal of the threats, but that God would allow them to have the boldness. regardless of the threats to be the witnesses that God would have them to be. They knew that trials and tribulations would make them stronger, and make them into the Christians that they should be. Hopefully we will learn the same lessons.

THURSDAY - Acts 5:1-11
We must pray that God will keep us real. Ananias , Sapphira and the early church learned this lesson the hard way. Ananias and Sapphira sold a piece of property and there is no sin in that. They also gave a portion of that money to the church. There is no sin in that. God does not require us to give all of our money to Him. Then why did God kill them? Because they lied about the price they received and for show wanted people to believe that they had given all to the church to make themselves look better than they really were. People are people and the sins of Ananias and Sapphira are still alive and well in the church today. Let us be real and honest with God. You may be able to fool your fellow man, by God knows, and he is the one that needs to say well done thy good and faithful servant.

FRIDAY - Act 5:27-39
V 29 states that we "ought to obey God rather than man." The early church leaders have found themselves in a mess. One of their own making. One they could have avoided. But a mess that they chose by their own spiteful will. They chose to go against the law of the day. They preached Christ in spite of the fact that they were expressly ordered not to do it. Today, most of mans problems are because they choose by their own spiteful will, to do things that are expressly against the will of the established authority. And every time someone does that there are consequences because of that action. Here in Acts 5 the early church faced the council. Soon, the church today will face the Father to explain why we did not do what He wanted us to do. SATURDAY - Acts 6:1-15 The early church was getting the job done. The gospel was spreading throughout the world and multitudes were being saved. But the devil never quits. The Bible says that there arose a murmuring of the Gracians against the Hebrews. For a moment, there were those that stopped lifting their eyes toward the harvest and began to complain the treatment was unfair. When we stop looking at others and the harvest that is set before us and begin to look inward we will always begin to mummer. Thank God there were men in the church that was full of wisdom from the Holy Spirit and was able to help the situation rather than making things worse. May God grant us the same wisdom today.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Memories of a Friend

I have been thinking of you ever since you called earlier this evening. I wish I could have been there with you tonight. I remember how I felt some 34 years ago when my "pop" passed away.

It is a very strange feeling of relief and grief. It is hard to understand unless you have been there. My mind was flooded with memories of days gone by and so many good times.

When you called me Thursday night I was with my son at the Colts football game. As we walked from the game to the parking garage we talked about him and his little buddy (Kai). I told him that someday, he would be walking down that very street telling Kai about the football games that he and I attended. Just like I have told him stories about my dad. One day, all that he would have of me is memories, and maybe a ring that I wore.

I remember as a young teenager coming over to your house. Your dad always made me feel welcomed, although even then he was a man of few words. I have truly enjoyed your fathers friendship over the past several years as I would stop by to see him, have a word of prayer with him and tell him what a remarkable man he was.

I just wanted to tell you that I loved your daddy and always had a good time with him. I respected him as a man that "took care of business." Well, as much as your mother would allow!

I also wanted to tell you what a wonderful mother, daughter and wife you are. You have extended yourself, without complaint or regret as you have raised your granddaughter, stood by your sons through all the physical and emotional times, be a mentor to your "daughter in law" and a stronger supporter of your husband. Thank you for being my prayer partner and allowing me to have a part of your life, trials and blessings alike. I am privileged to be your surrogate pastor.

Well, thank God for his grace and mercy. I wonder if your pop and my pop are talking about when I was a teen. Maybe your pop is telling my pop about how God answered his prayer, when you dumped me. My mother is probably telling your daddy how she had warned Sharon about me, but Sharon did not listen! I am sure that the sadness in your daddy's eyes are gone, when he saw Jody.

Sorry I was not with you at the end. I was hoping I had one more day. If you need me, I am here for you. We will pray that there will be some that will be saved because of the home going of your daddy. God bless you my sister, and may God comfort and bless you as only he can.

Because He Lives,
Dr. Steve Goens

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Proud American

I was at our local High School, Bedford North Lawrence, tonight enjoying a great program celebrating the 4th of July, and the pride that we have in the America that we love. I am, and am not ashamed of the fact, a flag waving American. I know that our country is not perfect. I know that we face some of the greatest challenges that we have ever faced. I know that we have made some very stupid decisions. But I love America. Right or wrong it is still my country and I still bleed red white and blue. As the choir and band played the theme song of the different military branches of service, I proudly stood as they played the Air Force theme song. I was in the Air Force during the Vietnam war. I was forced into the Air Force by the other branches, because I could read and was therefore over qualified to be an Anchor Clanker, a Leatherneck or a Dough Boy. I have always been proud of those that have fought for this country and prayed for the families of those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice. I think that every young man would be a better young man, if he faced the discipline of the military life before he faced the rigors of adulthood, family and raising children.

For a few moments during the presentation, I wished I had dedicated my life to help keep this world free from the bullies. As I thought of the rigors of war I began to think of the war that we are in today. Not the war on terror, but a war on the foundations upon which this country was founded. We think of the stupidity of those who proclaim that Hitler never gassed the Jews. It is history, recorded, proven history. But those are not any more stupid than those who proclaim that this country was not founded on the Word of God. Our constitution, the bill of rights, the foundational laws, the institutes of higher learning, all were founded on the Word of God.

In our early towns and cities, the church was built first and in the center of the city. We are in a war. The terrorist attack the Word of God and by fear expect to rule and reign. It will not happen, they will not win. We have legalized "Gay" marriage, we have outlawed the Bible in our schools and even our churches are more inclined to please people than raise up their voices and cry out against the sins of our people. We are in a war that matters, that is real, and must be fought. We are not fighting for a way of live, or preferences, or a creed. We are fighting for the eternal souls of man. We are fighting for the faith that built this great nation. We are fighting the fight that other great men of God have fought. It is a fight that determines the eternal destiny of millions of people, here, and around the world. And we are soldiers of the cross, warriors of the Word, we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. We must not be asleep on our watch, we must not fear what man shall do, we must look unto Jesus, our Saviour, our sacrifice our hope.

I firmly believe, for hundreds of Bible reasons, that we are the last generation. Others have gone before us, fighting and winning battles and wars so that we may have this opportunity to bring the faith of our fathers home. Let us raise the blood stained banner, fight the battles, and win the war. We must not fail, Millions of eternal souls are depending on us.

Because He Lives Pastor Steve Goens

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Final Day

Today is my final day in the Philippines. I am heading home in just a little while and it has been a full two weeks. I am sitting in the office of my Filipino secretary as I say goodbye. We have preached nearly 40 times and had some great success. God certainly has been good.

We spoke to some city workers last night and seven of them came to know Christ. We had dinner at a very nice Chinese restaurant and headed back to the camp grounds.

We have some great plans for the Bible College here and the plans for a radio station. We may be able to be on the air 24 hours a day preaching the gospel to millions. We have started the inquiry into all of the legal aspects of the station. I have suggested that the call letters be DSCG. The stations here begin their call letters in D. I explained to all that was gathered that it would stand for Dr. Stephen Carl Goens- DSCG. The vote was one hundred percent. One thing I found out about the Filipino people is that they vote by laughing. It’s different here but as long as we get the job done that is all that matters.

We are going to start producing books and tapes to send to the mountain preachers for their Bible college training. By the time we return in March of 2009 we will be teaching many more than we are now.

I am looking forward to heading home in just a few hours. I am in hopes of a meeting in Manila here in a few hours that will open more doors to do some things that have been life long dreams of mine. Pray for the success of that meeting.

Pray for the Baptist Beacon Missionary Ministries as we help train pastors around the world. We have been invited to India. We will not be able to make the first date (June 08) but hopefully later on. Pray for our ministries. I am behind in this great race, and I have rounded the fourth corner. I am headed for the finish line and I must finish fast to win the race that God has given me to run.

Goens My Way - Philippines 2008

5-08-08 Update

Last night we finished the Family camp. After the last two weeks and the next two days, I will have spoken about 40 times. We had a great time and it was sad to leave some very dear friends. We trained 95 in the 1st Bible institute and had about 70 people saved. As I write this I am waiting to speak to the city leaders of Davao. Hopefully many of them will be saved and the total salvation decisions will increase. I am speaking on the Responsibility of Leadership. The government here is very corrupt so pray that I am able to help them.

There have many that I have counseled with while I have been here and although I have a great connection with the Filipino people many of them are afraid to approach me. When I was here last year I received a letter from a lady telling me that she had been praying for me for many years and was so disappointed that she was not able to come to the meeting. Last night a lady approached me after the service and introduced herself as Yvonne Placios, the lady that had been praying for me everyday since 2000. It seems that Bro Claro had told her about me and she took me on as a special prayer partner for these many years. This lady is as beautiful inside as she is on the outside and it was such a joy to have met her and her husband and gotten to know them.

There are many stories that I wish to relate to you, but one is a prayer request. Next year when I return there is a possibility that I will get to go and be with the Labonsa to their church. They are in the Muslim area and it is very dangerous. So, I told them that I would lose weight, blacken my hair, darken my skin, and learn the language so I will be able to go with them without losing my head. That would be one way to lose 30 pounds of ugly fat.

Goens My Way - Philippines 2008

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Update 5-7-08

I have some good news. The power has not gone out for a couple of days now. The water is not working but at least we can see how dirty the American is.
The children here are incredible. It really funny watching them as they try to relate to Lolo White. (Grandfather White) Now some of them are calling me Lolo Pop. Pop, here in the Philippines is the same as in America. I tell them I am called pop because I am sweet and refreshing.

Yesterday I found myself surrounded by children, and the more I played with them the more they laughed. One little girl was laughing so hard that I thought she was going to pass out. Their eyes sparkle and their smiles are so beautiful. The children love to feel my muscles. They will touch my arms or my back and say Muscles!!!! One little boy, one I don't really like, touched my belly and said "No Muscle" and all the children really thought it was funny. Now you understand why I don't like him.

I cannot speak the language of the little children from the mountains, and of course they cannot speak mine, but there is a bond that is incredible. They love me because I am big, strong and gentle. They love to touch my skin. One little girl sat for more than an hour next to me and held my arm. Then she moved to my other side and looked at me for the longest time. When I looked at her and smile and said "Hi sweetheart, she ran off and would not come near me again for a long time. I seem to have that trouble everywhere I go. A pretty girl looks and me and I say "Hi sweetheart” and they all run away. I guess that is the curse of being me.

I told people last night that I was missing my family but thanked them for being so kind and sharing their family with me... I told them that the little children helped me while I was missing my grandchildren. I told all of the young ladies that they helped me while I was missing my daughters. I told the men that they really didn't help me as I was missing my son. I told them he was 6'4' and they just can't believe that anyone human could be that tall. So I told them that it would take two Filipino's to take the place of my son. And then I told them that I was missing my wife but there were three ladies that had made me almost forget my wife. Three ladies, who together are missing a full set of teeth, began to laugh and giggle as every one looked at them and went aaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!

I had breakfast at another hut this morning. There are some questions that I have, but I am really afraid to ask. . . .If you know what I mean.

More later on Goens My Way - Philippines 2008

Monday, May 5, 2008

The Filipino Way part 2

The Filipino people amaze me over and over again. I just had breakfast at a hut that is built here on the campgrounds for one of the preachers that come and visit. We had eggs, sweet potatoes and of course rice. We also had chicken, one that had been roaming around the camp ground, and some dried fish. All of this was cooked on open flame inside the hut. The beds are just bamboo beds and the roof is made of grass. But it stays cool and dry and that is all that is really important.

The Filipino has very little as far as this world is concerned, yet they are very happy people. The children will laugh and play with whatever their imagination will allow them to. I have seen them have a great time with dirt, bugs. The other day, a group was having a great time with a dead frog! I think they are going to be doctors.

I was sitting in the church the other night when the lights went out. It was pitch black. All of a sudden the church lit up, not because the lights came back on but because everyone opened their cell phones and the lights from all the cell phones chased the darkness away. No, stoves, refrigerators or a shower but ALL THE ADULTS, have their cell phones and the main way of keeping in contact with one another? Text Messaging. Who knew?

Filipino Way

I had planned on writing a log every day but there are some things that interfere, a very busy schedule for one. I will have spoken about forty times from the time I arrive until the time I leave. Then, there have been several times that I could not get on the computer because of my two secretaries, Hanelyn and Alma, who have been busy typing all of my notes to give to the pastors. I have preached so much and written so much that I have told them all that I know and a lot of things I don't know. But those that know me know that I do not need to have insight, knowledge or wisdom to talk about anything and everything.

The Filipino way of thinking constantly amazes me. As we were approaching the graduation ceremonies disaster struck. The generator that supplies the camp with fresh water went out and we did not have any water. And then the electricity went out during one of the services and was out for several hours. Severe rains came and the road became nothing but mud. But I was the only one in camp that realized we were having problems. No Water? How was I to get clean, brush my teeth, use the comfort room? No electricity how was I to charge my phone, get on my computer, use my electric razor? I thought life was over as I knew it.

The next morning I awoke and remembered to conserve what little water we had for the couple hundred people on the camp grounds. Breakfast, oh my, what was I going to eat? As I was wondering if I had enough body fat to survive until the electricity came back on. One of the girls came to my door and said “Pastor, your breakfast is ready”. Eggs over easy (3), 4 pieces of toast, sausage, bacon, coffee, juice and water. A banana, mango and something I had never seen before. The Filipina woman is not confined to electricity; they cook over an open flame.

I took my towel and did my best to wipe the sweat from my body. I used enough deodorant to cover the most offending smell, put on my clothes and with dirty hair walked out to preach. As I left my room I came face to face with Bro Poqueta, a mountain preacher to the communist, a great man of God. We shook hands and hugged each other and I found that Filipino men smell good when they sweat. Then, much to my surprise, all of the ladies had wet hair. I was really upset that they had not followed the save the water order. Then, on the basketball court was the men, all covered from top to bottom with soap, as they all took a bath. You see, in order for me to get clean I need electric energy and running water. All a Filipino needs is a rain barrel and a river near by. In the whole crowed that morning all they needed to do is sniff, and it was easy to find the dirty American.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Update from Philippines 2

Everything in the Philippines is going great. We are now on Tuesday afternoon and I am speaking 5 hours a day. It will not take them long to realize that after one day, I have exhausted all of my knowledge on ever topic under the sun.

I am teaching on spiritual maturity and once again I find Gods sense of humor great. Most people wonder if I am even saved let alone spiritually mature. We are beginning each morning at 5 am and we are not finished until about 9 at night. Thank God I only have to speak for 5 of those hours.

Each of my services is being recorded to distribute all over the Island. The tapes will help to help train the pastors that cannot make it to the conference. These men have walked 5 hours through the mountains to get here! It really humbles me to think that anyone of these great men of God would walk across the street, let alone 5 hours to hear me preach.

My secretaries have been working long into the night translating my writing. They are very special young ladies and I truly do appreciate all that they are doing for me.

I have a group of young preacher sons who are watching me out side the window. They sit around me and we have become real buddies. Many of the little girls will come up and sit on my lap and let me hold them. None of them are as special as my grandchildren, but they are very special children.

The food is great. I am probably the only missionary that comes to the Philippines and gains weight. Thank God for expandable pants.

Dr. Loqueous has invited me back next year, and every year to the Pastors training. I agreed to help him train 500 preachers and I guess he is going to take me up on it.

While I am here I have been looking into the Radio Broadcast "Life is for Living Philippines" and it looks like it will become a reality soon with one small glitch. We are checking into starting a radio station to broadcast 24 hours every day 365 days a year. He wants the station called CBCBC (Central Baptist Church and Bible College), I want to call it Goens Radio, and I think the Filipinos agree with me. They voted with a laugh.

Thank God for his goodness and protection. This is Pastor Steve Goens reporting from my luxury office over looking Davao City.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Update from Davao, Phillipines

I have of course been very busy since I have arrived. Less than 12 hours after I was picked up at the airport I was speaking to a group of people on marriage. Today, I have already spoken two times and I am getting ready to speak again. This morning I spoke to the camp kids and several of them got saved including a woman that was against the church coming into the school to teach the children and have the feeding program. But this morning she was in attendance, and even though I was speaking mostly to the children she came forward to trust Christ. I just finished preaching to the "bridge people" These people have been displaced from the mountain region and have nothing. They have built a shanty town out of the items the poor people threw away. They eat the garbage out of the poormans trash can, and yet I, a rich American was received with open arms and I had a great time with the children. It was everything I could do to walk away without taking those beautiful children home with me. Some of them were saved as well.

Tonight I am getting ready to leave here and preach to some of the government people. I will be speaking to the city government leaders later on this week.

Next week I will be teaching 5 hours a day. Thank God the next week we will take a vacation and I will only be speaking 3 times a day on marriage and the family.

I am somewhat rested, but tomorrow will be another busy day. Pray for the success of the meeting, I am invited back again next year to help train 500 preachers.

Who would have ever believed that a high school flunky and Bible college would be "Professor Dr. Steve Goens" God does have a sense of humor!!!!!!!!